
The café on the corner was packed. I could hardly find a seat. Eventually I joined a man who was complainingly counting his last money. “It’s all getting awfully expensive sir”, he told me. “You can hardly go out and have a drink. It feels like they’re plucking me. Unaffordable rent or no house at all. Care, what care? And the banks, sir, they ask more than they give. Humanity doesn’t trust each other anymore and what did you say? Unity? What is that? What’s our youth supposed to think about 75 years of freedom. The freedom we fought so hard for.  They are walking all over us sir. It’s time someone stood up and said: “What if we could fulfill your expectations in these times” Well, that remains to be seen.”

Is there any solution?

Meanwhile a lady sitting at a nearby table, joined ours. “Excuse me”, she said, “for following your conversation. I feel like I have the solution in my handbag.” The man and I looked at each other and then back at her. After some searching she put a card of the United People Foundation/ B of Joy on the table, said she was a member and EMC holder. She told us the whole story of the benefits, the lectures and the videos. She had seen everything on YouTube. She looked like a happy person. “If you do this as well”, she said to the man “chances are you will be able to pay for your drink in future.” He totally agreed. Before I left he had of course not been able to arrange his membership yet, still I paid for his and her drinks for that night as a thank you for her spontaneous plea. Passing the window on my way home, I saw two happy people.

If you want more information read here “What’s an EMC holder?