Reality shows what time it is!
09 november 2023 
in English
0 min. read

Reality shows what time it is!

I gave him my coat and food. His army clothes looked battered. Sitting together on a bench, I asked him where he was from.

From the front, he said, walking and hitchhiking took days. What I saw defies any kind of humanity sir, less than a few days' drive from here: killing, murder, queues of people fleeing, an exodus squared. And the children, seeing that broke my soul, hence my presence here. You know, peace and freedom seems very far away. A loving world for us and our children who are, after all, the future.

There he had a point and I had a story.

What are you doing in this life, he asked?

I explained to him what I stand for namely: peace and freedom for all of us.

Through the efforts of United People Foundation, our volunteers are doing their utmost to build a platform to eradicate Hunger, Child Labour and to eradicate the lack of humanity.

That one loving world is accessible to all of us.

Will you join me in this mission?

Become a member and join the United People Foundation.

For a humanitarian world.

Benjamin B. Blij

About the author
In my daily life I guide anyone who needs some care and psychological support. I am an international all-rounder in terms of training and I am deployable in many areas. In addition, I am the ambassador and communications manager at the United People Foundation ‘Movement Young Division’, standing up for the younger generation, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to give them a voice for their future in Peace and Freedom. NEDERLANDS In het dagelijks leven ben ik begeleider van een ieder die qua zorg en psychisch welzijn even ondersteuning nodig heeft. Internationaal allrounder qua opleidingen en inzetbaar op vele gebieden. Daarnaast ben ik ambassadeur en manager communicatie bij de United People Foundation ‘Movement Young Division’. Opkomend voor de jongere generatie, onze kinderen, kleinkinderen en achterkleinkinderen om ze een stem te geven voor hun toekomst in Vrede en Vrijheid.
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