Free Energy Now? | A perspective for a world in harmony
In this presentation, Casper and Karsten will take you on a quick rollercoaster through the world of Free Energy. What is Free Energy, and how does it work? Where does the energy come from? If it is really that groundbreaking, why isn’t it here yet? All of these questions and more will be answered. In the end, it’s all about our individual and collective state of consciousness.
Find out more about Free Energy at our website:
We at the Young Division call on you to join us by signing the Declaration of Peace. Read the Declaration of the New Human Rights and take the 12 Points of Change as your starting point! Try to implement these concepts in your life. It is time for a new generation of thinkers and doers to rise up!NEDERLANDS
Wij van de Young Division roepen je op om mee te doen door ondertekening van de Verklaring van Vrede. Lees de verklaring van de nieuwe rechten van de mens en neem de 12 punten van Verandering als uitgangspunt! Probeer deze concepten in je leven te implementeren. Het is tijd voor een nieuwe generatie denkers en doeners om op te staan!