
On the curb in front of the local pharmacy a man is sitting outside waiting for his medication. We’re now living in a country in which a store is quickly filled because of the 6ft rule. So then you just catch a cold. That should please the pharmacist some more. I went standing next to him and I waited. “Are you from around here?” the man asked. “No”, I said, “I’m just here to pick something up.” “You know”, he said, “The reason I’m asking is because people around here are tired and grumpy because of all the measures and you look happy.” “That’s right”, I said. “I can also tell you why. Because I don’t look at what I have, but I look and work at what’s coming.” “Please explain that to me”, the man said.

United People Foundation (UPF)

I tell him the story of the United People Foundation and the B of Joy. “Can I also join?” the man asked. “Of course”, I said and I showed him the website. Meanwhile the pharmacist was about to close shop and came to get his chair. “Why didn’t you come in?” the pharmacist asked. “I will tell you”, the man said and they went inside, closing the door behind them. I myself got in my car with a pounding headache and without a pain killer and went home. It’s what you must do for a good cause.

If you want more information read here “United People Foundation We are the real change

About the author
In my daily life I guide anyone who needs some care and psychological support. I am an international all-rounder in terms of training and I am deployable in many areas.In addition, I am the ambassador and communications manager at the United People Foundation ‘Movement Young Division’, standing up for the younger generation, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to give them a voice for their future in Peace and Freedom.NEDERLANDS In het dagelijks leven ben ik begeleider van een ieder die qua zorg en psychisch welzijn even ondersteuning nodig heeft. Internationaal allrounder qua opleidingen en inzetbaar op vele gebieden.Daarnaast ben ik ambassadeur en manager communicatie bij de United People Foundation ‘Movement Young Division’. Opkomend voor de jongere generatie, onze kinderen, kleinkinderen en achterkleinkinderen om ze een stem te geven voor hun toekomst in Vrede en Vrijheid.
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