Boy's dream

More time to think while walking the neighbor’s dog. Ingenuity is hot these days. When you see what is happening with the young generation, the children of today, you hope that they are aware of what they are currently in.leenhondje lenen

In the meantime it was after nine and dark. “Good evening,” said the man, “is that dog yours?” “Yes,” I said. “May I point out to you that he left something here?” I hadn’t counted on that. No bag with me. Well, then just use my face mask. “So that’s resourceful,” said the man. If the younger generation is now too, then my dream will still come true, I answered.

What do you mean? Well peace, food and freedom for everyone. “That may be good,” said the man, “but then they must unite.”

hondenkakje in het zakje“That’s right,” I said, “they can do that at the United People Foundation to show themselves together in terms of concept.” He looked at me and in the meantime we stood a little more in the light so I got a better view of his appearance. “But you are my neighbor,” I said, “right,” he said, “and I recognize you now too.” Hearing you like this I would like to know more about your manifestation.

By the way, your dog looks suspiciously like mine! You know what, if we bring the dog home together we will talk further there because this sounds very interesting and I would like to share this story with all my friends and acquaintances.

About the author
In my daily life I guide anyone who needs some care and psychological support. I am an international all-rounder in terms of training and I am deployable in many areas.In addition, I am the ambassador and communications manager at the United People Foundation ‘Movement Young Division’, standing up for the younger generation, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to give them a voice for their future in Peace and Freedom.NEDERLANDS In het dagelijks leven ben ik begeleider van een ieder die qua zorg en psychisch welzijn even ondersteuning nodig heeft. Internationaal allrounder qua opleidingen en inzetbaar op vele gebieden.Daarnaast ben ik ambassadeur en manager communicatie bij de United People Foundation ‘Movement Young Division’. Opkomend voor de jongere generatie, onze kinderen, kleinkinderen en achterkleinkinderen om ze een stem te geven voor hun toekomst in Vrede en Vrijheid.
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